Gilbert Trails Safety Evaluation and Project Development, Gilbert AZ

project OVERVIEW

Y2K Engineering evaluated all arterial trail crossings within the Town of Gilbert to prioritize safety improvements. The evaluation of 43 trail crossings included 16 signalized/PHB crossings and 27 uncontrolled crossings. The signalized crossings were reviewed for compliance of current standards and national best practices; the uncontrolled trail crossings were evaluated and prioritized for additional safety treatments based on criteria established with the Town of Gilbert. Safety recommendations for the uncontrolled trail crossings included midblock traffic signals, PHBs, diversion to nearby traffic signals, and grade separated crossings. The improvements were prioritized based on the perceived safety need at each location, based on crash history, average daily traffic volumes, roadway configuration, sight visibility, existing lighting condition, and proximity to schools, parks, and activity centers. Project development sheets were developed for the Top 10 uncontrolled locations to support CIP programming. The project development sheets included a description of proposed improvements, conceptual plans, and cost estimate. Y2K also developed a Microsoft PowerBI crash dashboard for the Town of Gilbert for continued use after the conclusion of the project. The crash analysis tools are used to review crash data and monitor safety at the existing trail crossings.

services provided

  • Safety Analysis

  • Active Transportation Planning